Monday, October 24, 2011

Found UFOs and Making Them Even Better

I know if you're like me you have UFOs - unfinished objects. I have tons because I don't think you have to finish long as you finish some things. I found this embroidered piece that I had done with one of the DigiBobbE(tm) 3 - "Paisley Gems" designs repeated in the Hoop-It-All square. It's "Digi"tized "Bobb"in "E"mbroidery.

Well I'm packing to go to Quilt Market and thought it would be really cool to add to my Schoolhouse presentation "DoodleZenDotZ with YLI Threads". First I painted in the tiny leaves with DecoArt SoSoft Fabric paint (metallic). BTW we will be selling more colors on the website shortly.
Then I added some DecoArt SoSoft Fabric Paint (glitter) and also dots of gold paint with a squeeze bottle.

I love how it turned out. If you're at Quilt Market, my Schoolhouse starts at 11:00.

Bonnie McCaffery
- Posted using BlogPress

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